To successfully make money on YouTube, you need to rely on people watching your channel. One of the features in YouTube is to have people subscribe to your channel. This increases the chances that you will have repeat viewers of your videos. Subscribers help you to build your audience. Having a good audience base will increase the amount of money that you can earn from advertisements that are displayed on your channel and the sales that you can make when you promote items.
When you are first starting out, you need to figure out how to get YouTube subscribers fast or you will quickly become disillusioned with creating videos and it is highly likely you will give up. Consistency and quality videos will help your channel grow over time. But what can you do to get those first few subscribers?
Ask People to Subscribe
When you watch YouTube videos, the really popular channels always throw it out there at the end. “Make sure you like, comment and subscribe to my channel.” After hearing this so many times, you may not even realize that it is on almost every video. You also may not realize that you end up liking and commenting or subscribing because they told you to do so.
Asking people to subscribe to your channel is one of the simplest things, but it is often overlooked by newbies. Not only do you want your viewers to subscribe to your channel, but to kick start your channel, you should ask your friends and family to subscribe. This will help to improve your channel’s trust in the eyes of Google.
I’ve become part of an affiliate marketing community known as Wealthy Affiliate. This has been a great source of initial subscriptions, likes and comments for me. In the community, we exchange comments to encourage commenting on new blog posts and websites. You can ask members to like your videos or your channel. There are also Facebook groups where you can exchange comments and likes. While this may initially help you jump start some subscribes and comments, you don’t want to rely on it. You want to start attracting people who are interested in your niche!
Optimize Your Video for the Search Engines
It is important to learn the essentials of search engine optimization if you are an online content creator and especially if you want to succeed on YouTube. Simply posting a video on YouTube is unlikely to attract any viewers. You must create a title that is interesting and attracts viewers.
Create a description that is keyword rich. Don’t be like most newbies and leave the description blank. YouTube has more and more competition than you can imagine. Therefore, if you are interested in attracting your target market, you need to research which long tail keywords receive a good volume of traffic per month and figure out what your competition is doing. When you try to target shorter keywords with plenty of competition, it is unlikely that you will make a first page ranking in Google. People won’t find you and you may discover that you spent all that time creating a video that no one has watched. (Don’t feel bad. I’ve done it before. )
Use a keyword research tool like Jaaxy or Video Marketing Blaster when you research your keywords. Try to find keyword phrases that have fewer than 300 quality search results and don’t have competing videos in YouTube. This may take some digging, but you should be able to discover some. Video Marketing Blaster can provide you with some optimized keyword titles, descriptions and tags.
Watch, Comment and Like Other Videos In Your Niche
You don’t just want views on your channel. You want other people who are interested enough to watch them to the end, comment on them and keep coming back. One of the best things that you can do is to view other videos that are in your niche, comment and subscribe to them. They will often return the favor and subscribe to you.
This is a valuable step in your YouTube career. Some people may not want to do that because they are giving their competition views. However, you will be gaining ideas on what type of videos that you can make. You will also be able to discover mistakes that they may have made and improve on them. It then becomes a win for your competition because they increased their views, but also a win for you because they are likely to return the favor, but before long, people in your niche will see your thoughtful comments all over the place and check out your channel.
Create Videos on Trending Topics
Some topics are very controversial and everyone is discussing them. As I type this, it seems like everyone is talking about gun control and everyone has an opinion about it. Creating a pro-gun control video or anti-gun control video when everyone is discussing it will give it a better chance of gaining viewers because it is relevant to what everyone seems to be discussing.
Twitter has a feature that will show you what is trending in your area. Check out what the trending topics are and decide if any of them are relevant to your niche. Don’t create videos on trending topics if they aren’t necessarily relevant to your niche and your audience. For example, one of the niches that I participate in is the ketogenic diet. It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to add my two cents about gun control to my ketogenic diet channel. There are probably viewers on both sides of the issue and many of them may not share my view points. However, uploading a new ketogenic pancake recipe yesterday did earn me three new subscribers and they are going to stick around because they will be interested in future recipes and information about the ketogenic diet.
Create a video on a trending topic and then share it on all of your social media websites. Share it on twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Make sure that you include the topic in a hashtag so that other people who are currently discussing the topic will easily find it and comment on it.
Pay For Views
I put this last. It is the fastest way to get people to your channel, but they may not be relevant viewers. You can buy views and you can advertise your channel, but it isn’t something that I have a ton of experience doing. It also requires a nice hefty budget and a bit more affiliate marketing savvy in order to see a return for your investment, so I don’t recommend it for newbies. However, advertising your channel can quickly help you build your audience.
8 comments to “How To Get YouTube Subscribers FAST”
Norman Richards - March 2, 2018
Hello, your post is well detailed and has tons of detailed information that will really your readers.
Melinda Curle - March 2, 2018
Thank you! I appreciate your comment. I tried to be as detailed as possible so that people would understand how to increase their youtube subscribers.
A great tool to check out is Video Marketing Blaster. That can help improve your video’s ranking very quickly.
Gary De La Cruz - March 2, 2018
Hi Melinda
I thank you for the useful information on this post I enjoyed the video walk through and I am about to use most of your suggestions on how to gain more YouTube subscribers, it is good timing because I just about got the hang of You Tube videos and now I need to up my viewership and subscribers, so once again thank you for a very useful and informative post and video, awesome.
I wish you continued success in 2018.
Melinda Curle - March 2, 2018
That’s awesome! I wish you the best as you make more YouTube videos and increase your subscribers!
Jerry Huang | Smart Affiliate Success - March 2, 2018
Love this! Thanks for this awesome post that come at the right time. I want to build my YouTube channel so this really helps a lot.
I’ll take some time to digest and put them into actions
Melinda Curle - March 3, 2018
That’s awesome! Wishing you all the best in your ventures on YouTube! You may want to check out my review if you are looking for some guidance on how to make money with youtube.
Nicolaas - March 2, 2018
Hi Melinda
This is actually the first post I read about Youtube and how you can get subscribers fast. You surprised me with it and you really have a lot of good information. It will definitely help me get started on Youtube. Thank you.
Melinda Curle - March 3, 2018
Good luck on youtube! I’m sure that it will help you. You can rank much faster on YouTube than you can with simply written content. Best wishes!