Writing Effective Conclusions For Your Blog Posts

The conclusion is the place where you really want to drive home your message. Crafting a killer conclusion is simple, yet some people don’t do it well. You’ll want to make sure that you have some powerful statements that motivate your readers to take action on the things that they just learned.

Include the SEO Keywords In the Header

Google got wise to people stuffing keywords into blog posts at random to make them look like the most relevant blog posts. Now, search engines want to see keywords only where they make sense. The Conclusion header is a place where SEO keywords do make sense.

Including your SEO keywords in your conclusion header will not only reinforce the topic in the mind of the reader, it will also boost your SEO keyword juice.

Engage with Your Readers – Ask Questions

As you close your blog post, these readers have taken time out of their day to read all the way through to the end. Ask them a question about what they have learned. Ask them how they plan on using the content in their lives.

Asking questions gets people to write comments in the comment section. This is great for SEO. It shows that people are interested and value your website enough to make comments.


Ask For Questions

You can ask your readers what questions they have on the topics that you just covered. This can be very beneficial in helping you determine what you need to cover in future blog posts.

Be careful about asking for questions in the conclusion. You ONLY want to do this if you are willing to answer the questions that are asked. No one wants to come back to see if their question was answered only to discover that it wasn’t.

Not every copywriting client wants to have questions, so always make sure that you are following the brand’s voice.

Add a Call to Action

Finally, add a call to action for your readers. You can ask them to sign up for your awesome newsletter, or read another related blog post. If you have a social media strategy, you can encourage them to engage with you on social media.

If your call to action is to sign up for a newsletter, this will be written into the link that they will click on. It won’t always be within the text of the blog post.

A call to action can include checking out a product that is relevant to the topic and will help your readers in their daily lives. You can tell your readers to check out the latest widget in your store.


Killer conclusions are conclusions that really emphasize your message. A powerful conclusion can be simple, but strong enough that your readers are going to remember it. The best conclusions get your readers to take action. They get them to take the next step in the customer journey whether it is signing up for your email list or buying the latest gadget. Powerful conclusions will lead your customers to action.

Watch my Youtube video on writing a killer conclusion:


17 comments to “Writing Effective Conclusions For Your Blog Posts”

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  1. Mike - September 6, 2019 Reply

    Love this!!

    It’s so true that your conclusions can be super important and many “bloggers” don’t put enough time into learning about this. 

    Your tips are great and to the point:

    Leave a call to action (the main one in my opinion)

    Ask for a question

    Engage with the reader

    Include you SEO keyword in the header

    Thanks so much for sharing, I’m off to adapt some of my posts

  2. Russ Green - September 6, 2019 Reply

    I am so pleased I came across this post, you see I am having trouble driving traffic to my website, I mainly rely on my social media accounts by placing posts with links to my website in those, however my website isn’t getting much traffic, so this post is an eye opener for me, I now realize that I need to do more to improve my search engine optimization, but as well as that you have educated me on something that I had never given much thought to which is the effective conclusion for my posts, I always finish with please feel free to leave a comment, but from now on I’ll be paying much more attention to the conclusion and taking on board your recommendations, thank you for sharing.   

  3. Nazmun Nahar - September 6, 2019 Reply

    Wow,great resources for online marketer or blogger. I write articles for my website from the last couple of years but I don’t think it’s doing very great because I realized my article is not that much captivating which needs to do. But after reading this article I got some great idea to write a good and captivating article, as well as how to get a good position in SEO.Thanks a lot. 

  4. Adyns68 - September 6, 2019 Reply

    I completely agree with you!

    Asking question in a conclusion is very effective for producing engagement from your visitors. I usually ask my visitor to leave a comment or a question to the comment section, or based on the subject that I have discussed in the post, I can ask them to share their own experience and contribute to the subject. It is very important to engage your audience, otherwise, they might not engage with your content.

    It is also a great place to put a call to action. But I will say it should not be the only place you put a call to action. You need to have at least two other calls to action in your post. Because not everybody reads until the end of a post, so you need to have call to action in a different part of your post. And you can reiterate your call to action in your conclusion for those who are gonna read until the end of your post.


    • admin - September 6, 2019 Reply

      Good point. You’ll want an earlier call to action to capture those people who are too lazy to read until the end. 

  5. Glen - September 6, 2019 Reply

    Thanks for writing this post. I struggle with writing effective conclusions to my posts and articles. You have provided some valuable tips for engaging readers that will help me complete my efforts. I think it is very important to always respond to reader comments. Not only does it provide feedback to the original commenter, but it shows the other readers that you take comments and readers seriously. 

  6. MissusB - September 6, 2019 Reply

    There are times when I can’t seem to close my essay or blog with a strong conclusion. There is one trick that I do at times so I can be sure that I ended up my writing with ease. It has something to do with asking an essential question at the beginning or introductory part so I can answer it in the end. Your style is commendable. I’m going to try it on my next blog so I can get answers which is also strategic at the same time. It’s like hitting two birds in one stone. I read some blogs ending it with enumeration of important details. Do you think it’s an effective conclusion? Thanks for sharing this valuable strategies with us. More power! 

  7. Barbara - September 6, 2019 Reply

    Thanks for doing this article. I found it really helpful, I have started my own blogging website where I go and talk about videogames and I do reviews about them and more stuff related to the animation world. And in the conclusion of each blog, I have no idea what to say in the end. I always put that this is the end and I hope you liked it, but with some of the stuff, you explained today I think I might improve on that thanks to this article. Thanks again

    • admin - September 6, 2019 Reply

      I’m glad you found some tips! 

  8. DerrAd - September 6, 2019 Reply

    This makes me realize how much I’ve lost in terms of engagement on my site in the early stages of my blogging journey. I usually ended with a summary of the whole blog post leaving readers with no further action to take. I saw the change in engagements when I started to implement some of the killer conclusions and I must say it really helps with rankings. 

    You’ve given me more ideas through your post and I’m going to put them to test to see what happens. I’ve mostly used a call to action…..thanks for the tips

  9. LineCowley - September 6, 2019 Reply

    I do seem to struggle with writing a proper ending to my posts, so these are great pointers as to what to include. I like the use of SEO keywords in the conclusion to drive home what the post was about. Like the video by the way to further remind me of a “call for action” button and “comments”

    • admin - September 6, 2019 Reply

      Yes, it is a great place to use the SEO keyword and drive home what the post is about.

  10. John - September 6, 2019 Reply

    Wow, I like how you have really explained how important the conclusion is in a blog post. I am a writer and I understand this fact too. Many people do not understand the importance. The more effective the conclusion, the more people will make certain decisions based on what you write and what your call to action is. When writing next, I will be sure to put this in mind so as to get favour with the search engines using keywords.

  11. Brendah Kest - September 6, 2019 Reply

    Hello Melinda, You hit right there. I have never concluded professionally on any of my posts, I think i will head to my back office immediately after here. Thanks for the about using keywords in our conclusion,  I actually thought that a conclusion is just rich less to content and that keywords only stop in the beginning paragraghs. I will use your advice. Thank you.

  12. Baraka - September 6, 2019 Reply

    This is a helpful article. As a new blog writer I’ve learned a lot through this article. But the most important is including keywords in the conclusions header. I wasn’t even aware that doing this would help in ranking.Thank you so much for educating us on these great things.All the best.

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