Affilorama Affiliate Marketing Training – Is it a scam?

Affilorama Review

Name: Affilorama Affiliate Marketing Training


Price: FREE to start – premium membership $67/month

Owners: Mark Ling and Simon Slade

Overall Rank: 75 out of 100

Affilorama, Product Overview

Affilorama is an affiliate marketing training platform. It has a membership of over 300,000 people worldwide and offers free introductory video lessons as well as comprehensive training packages.

When Mark Ling and Simon Slade started out, they wanted to minimize the potential hurdles for aspiring affiliates, which would enable them to see success with their affiliate marketing business sooner. They accomplish this through straight forward, step-by-step training, as well as tools which simplify the technical demands that accompany an online business.

The Free Membership gives you basically an online course which includes roughly 20 hours of video. That is a lot of training videos and written material! The best part is that you will be getting the interviews with well-known and successful online marketers as well!

Even though this is a free membership, there is a lot of value that is given to you! You will definitely learn from the Affilorama free membership. They will often tell you in the videos to upgrade to premium, but go at your own pace and do it when it is comfortable for you.

The free membership will teach you all the things that an affiliate marketer should know. It will review website building, the creation of content for pay per click and search engine optimization. It will give you a basic idea of how affiliate marketing works and teaches you about the initial set up.


The Good & the Bad

The Good:

PRO #1: Affiliate marketing training platform at a reasonable price. This gives the beginner an opportunity to learn in a logical, step-by-step fashion. It will help the novice ensure that they follow the most profitable path to success.

PRO #2: Over 120 training videos with their free membership. This provides newbies with a head start to online marketing.

PRO #3: The training is rather comprehensive. They have a team of successful affiliates that contribute to their platform. Training is continually added.

PRO #4: They have a community to support each other. If you have questions, you can tap into other member’s knowledge and experience. This is one of the many benefits of a membership site!

The Bad:

CON #1: The content is basic. It isn’t the best affiliate marketing training available. If you are paying for premium online training, you want it to over deliver. Affilorama doesn’t quite over deliver.

CON #2: The platform seems a bit confusing to use. I was definitely disappointed to discover that even after you purchased the premium content, you would have to purchase the additional blueprints, etc.
CON #3: They haven’t removed the out-of-date sections, for example they still include training on back linking, which is an out-of-date practice. They also have a course on private label rights and posting it on your website.

CON #4: It is confusing where to start because there are a number of up sells within the platform.

Who is Affilorama for?

Affilorama is definitely for the beginner affiliate marketers. They will learn the basics from Affilorama. The content is decent. You can find better training for a lower price.

Affilorama Tools & Training

Through this program, you will get hundreds of hours of video training on affiliate marketing techniques. Each video has some homework, or action steps for you to take. This will reinforce what you just learned and put it into action. Putting the concepts into action is where you will start to make money, so this is one of the best parts of the Affilorama membership site.

Affilorama Support

Affilorama offers email support. You can also connect with other members and ask questions if you are stuck on some training.

Affilorama Price

Affilorama is free to join and you will get the basics out of your free membership. If you want to improve your skills and take it to the next level, there is an option to join the premium membership. Eventually, it will be essential to your affiliate marketing career to be using some of these tools which analyze your website’s traffic and sales. However, getting started, you probably can do fine with the free membership.

My Final Opinion of Affilorama

You will obtain a great amount of value if you join just for the free membership. There are a lot of introductory videos to go through.

The premium membership is $67 per month. While this is fairly competitive with other membership sites, it does seem a bit on the high side to me. Wealthy Affiliate seems to offer a bit more and is only $49 per month. They also do not have up sells.

The up sells – Affilorama Blueprint and Affilotools. I do not recommend these.

Affilorama Blueprint is basically a collection of hundreds of videos that will cover a range of topics from building a website, writing content and ranking it well. It will show you exactly how Mark Ling built his own affiliate website completely from scratch. While that is nice, each niche and website is going to be a bit unique. You can follow the steps in the free training and still have success.

Affilotheme is one of the up sells. It retails for $97. It is not really necessary. Affilothemes helps you create squeeze pages, opt-in form templates, affiliate link cloaking, a header creator and pop over generator. These are great features, but you don’t need them to make money online. A basic word press theme will get you started and you can become very profitable with a simple word press theme.

The Affilo Jetpack is another unnecessary upsell. It is for the people who don’t want to watch the videos, but still want to make money with minimal efforts. It will basically do 80% of the work and then you need to contribute 20% of your time. This will stop people from learning the essentials. It is also very pricey at $497. You can purchase your own domain for $10 per year and an autoresponder is only about $20 per month. I don’t see much value in the Jetpack.


Affilorama at a Glance…
Name: Affilorama


Owners: Mark Ling and Simon Slade

Price: $67 per month for the premium membership

Overall Scam Rank: 75 out of 100


If you follow their system, you definitely will be able to master affiliate marketing. I do think it is a bit over priced and recommend Wealthy Affiliate as an alternative.

8 comments to “Affilorama Affiliate Marketing Training – Is it a scam?”

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  1. Darcy - March 8, 2018 Reply

    Thank you for this informative review. Affilorama definitely has it’s positive points, but like you say the price is pretty high for what is offered and up-sells are a huge turn off for me. I was debating whether or not to try other Affiliate Marketing programs on a full-time basis other than Wealthy Affiliate, but your review has convinced me otherwise. I think I will stick with WA full time.

    Thanks for the information. Do you have a review of Wealthy Affiliate? If so, I think it would be awesome to put it at the end of your great review here. It would give visitors a quick an easy way to compare the two products.

    Thanks again. Keep writing mate!

    • Melinda Curle - March 9, 2018 Reply

      Wealthy Affiliate is definitely my #1 recommendation. I will include a link and maybe do a comparison posting. Thanks for the idea!

      Best wishes to you!

  2. Maja - March 8, 2018 Reply

    I like Affiliate Marketing. I did not know anything about Affilorama. Now I read, got good information and I’m interested in joining. I think it’s definitely good for beginners, it has free membership. If it’s going to be good for me later I’ll get the premium membership.
    Thanks for the good information.
    All the best.

    • Melinda Curle - March 9, 2018 Reply

      If nothing else, get the free membership and make the most of the free content. I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate or even Skillshare as less expensive alternatives to learn affiliate marketing. However, I did get their free membership to check out what they were recommending and to learn what training was out there.
      Wish you the best!

  3. Furkan - March 8, 2018 Reply

    I seriously consider joining this program however I have a question about the support. When they reply to e-mails. For example, can I get an answer within a day?

    • Melinda Curle - March 9, 2018 Reply

      They do advertise that they will get back to you within a day, however, from my experience it can take a little bit longer to get support.

  4. Brandon - March 9, 2018 Reply

    I tried getting into this system many years ago but was too interested in the “shiny objects”. Because there was no way to get rich quick with Affilorama I put it on the back burner and left it at that. It took me years before realizing I wasn’t going to get rich fast, so all that time I could’ve been creating a legit business was all wasted for nothing.

    Luckily I found something that did work and it’s called Wealthy Affiliate. Do you have a review on that? I’m sure others can benefit from it too!

    • Melinda Curle - March 9, 2018 Reply

      Yes, I love Wealthy Affiliate. I had the same experience as you. I had shiny object syndrome. When I dug down and started doing affiliate marketing consistently for a few months, I started to see sales! Yay! I can tell they will grow over time. I’m so happy.

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