How to Advertise Online For Free With a Youtube Marketing Strategy

Once you have become an affiliate and decided that you want to make money online, you need to pick a strategy. If you aren’t into writing, you may love video. If that is you, a youtube marketing strategy may be a great fit for you. The goal of the youtube marketing strategy is to gain a following and share your affiliate links in the content area.

A great advantage that comes with youtube is that people are very visual. They enjoy seeing things demonstrated for them and feel more connected to the content that they are watching. Using a youtube marketing strategy, you can show people how clothes that you are promoting look on you. You can get them excited to try foods and places that you enjoy and if they use your affiliate link to access them, all the better.

A youtube marketing strategy is ideal for coaches who want to upsell their one on one coaching, so if you are trying to market your expertise, you can create videos that discuss something that you are capable of teaching others. Many people online are using youtube to share their knowledge about everything from guitar playing to gardening and internet marketing to daytrading.

How to Advertise On Youtube

Start out by creating a youtube channel. You’ll want to target a niche online. Decide who your ideal client is going to be and what would appeal to them. For example, in creating this website, I decided that my target market would be people who have disabilities that want to work from home and have a very limited budget. Do you see how specific I was with that? The work from home market is huge and you can earn a lot of money providing services and coaching to them. However, since I know about the challenges of working with epilepsy on a tight budget, I decided to target people who are like me.

Once you have created a youtube channel and decided on your target market, you’ll want to start doing some research about what to make your videos about. You may have lots to say, but phrasing it correctly is key! For this, you’ll want to learn a bit about doing keyword research. Utilizing keyword research in the titles and description of your video is a killer way to drive traffic to your videos. Sometimes there is less competition with videos than articles. Youtube implements a search engine as well, so when people are looking around youtube, they are searching for keywords and phrases.

Utilize Keywords In The Youtube Marketing Strategy

You’ll want to check out the competition for your keywords to see how many people are searching for the keyword and how much competition is out there for that keyword. When I created this article, I used the keywords, “how to advertise online for free.” By adding in the words for free, I narrowed down my audience to the people who are looking for budget conscious online advertising strategies. I narrowed my focus to the people who have more time than money. I targeted my audience in writing this article. My competition for those search terms was only about 51, but the searches per month were over 100. I knew that I could improve my rank by providing excellent content, backlinking and sharing the information on social media.

Youtube videos rise in popularity with comments, likes and subscribers. When you create your video, you want to make sure that you are providing solid information and are asking your viewers to like, comment and subscribe to your channel. Liking and commenting on videos engages your audience. They feel more connected to you. It also raises your rank in the youtube search engine. Youtube will recommend similar videos to viewers and that can increase your traffic as well.

Engage in Social Media For Even More Traffic

Since youtube is a social media site, people are sharing and commenting on the videos. As part of your youtube marketing strategy, you will want to share your video creation on another social media site, such as twitter, facebook, or pinterest to get it in front of an even larger audience.

Your youtube marketing strategy shouldn’t end with the creation of an excellent video and keyword research. Do yourself a favor and comment, like and subscribe to other people on youtube. This will show youtube that you are active on their site. Your comments on other people’s videos will encourage them to check out your site. Additionally, you may gain some new information and ideas for future videos from your competitors.

Finally, make sure you have your affiliate link that you are advertising in the description as you tell people to check it out! I’ve made that mistake before!

Learn more about mastering youtube marketing strategies at Wealthy Affiliate .



6 comments to “How to Advertise Online For Free With a Youtube Marketing Strategy”

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  1. elias - September 14, 2017 Reply

    Nice article Melindac! I haven’t thought about using youtube, but you point out that its really good to interact with the audience which would be great for business. Great choice with the niche! So many disabled people can benefit while working from home with a limited budget.

    Keep it up and all the best


    • admin - September 14, 2017 Reply

      Thank you so much for your positive comments. I appreciate the feedback! 

  2. TG AE - September 14, 2017 Reply

    Hi, Melinda!
    I have heard that youtube was very useful for teaching but never occurred to me to use as a strategy for affiliate marketing.
    Yes, probably trying to be very specific in your market, both in written articles and in videos, is a must! I enjoyed reading your explanation and your example in how to use it to prospect.
    Do you have any other advice to work both with youtube and Instagram for example? Instagram allows us to share even in a faster way small videos and I have seen many using it to advertise Youtube channels.

    • admin - September 14, 2017 Reply

      Thanks for your comment. I am not as familiar with instagram, but I frequent youtube all the time! I’ll have to look into the other social media channels.

  3. Andrey - September 16, 2017 Reply

    The topic is great. I read your article, and I have questions.
    I would appreciate very much if you can give some examples of your YouTube channel and videos you already created.
    Can you, please, share some examples and give the links to videos for reference?
    That will be very helpful, really.
    Thanks in advance.
    Good luck to you!

    • admin - September 16, 2017 Reply

      That’s a great idea. Thanks!

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